Wednesday, April 30, 2008

More Jacobisms.....

Jacob got his face painted last night at kids night compliments of Chic-fil-a.
I am trying to write down some of these funny things that come out of his mouth. Of course, to capture it all, I would need to have a tape recorder on at all times!
While at a Sunday school party this past weekend, Jacob was sitting at the kitchen bar overlooking where the food was being served. He (in a very loud voice) points to a man coming through the line, "Now THAT man we DO NOT know!"

Jacob "reads" along with some of his routine nighttime books. Many of the books we will start a sentence and he will finish it. Inman started this routine the other night just for Jacob to say, "Sorry Daddy my mouth says it is too tired."

We must already be raising a pro-lifer....when talking about Logan the other day, I mentioned "when Logan was born..." Jacob stopped me very abruptly and insists, "Momma, he is already born. He is in your tummy!"

My favorite of the week so far: Jacob was turning my wedding rings around on my finger. He asked "where did you get these rings?" I told him "this one daddy gave me and asked me to marry him and this one daddy gave me the day we got married and he told me that he would love me forever and forever. One day when you are grown up, you may give a girl a ring and tell her you will love her forever and forever." He said, "No, Momma I will just buy YOU a ring to match this one."

That last one was good timing on his part, he had thrown a major fit that morning and Momma was already tired at 9 am:)

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Prayer Request

Please pray for the Faulkner family. We met Blair and Rachel in New Orleans. Blair was a air force pilot and was killed yesterday in a training exercise in Columbus, MS. Blair and Rachel have a 2 1/2 year old boy and 5 month old baby girl. Rachel lost her first husband as well several years ago. Our hearts are hurting for Rachel today and ask that you please be in prayer for their family.
Rachel had just posted pictures of them celebrating Blair's birthday.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008


We had a great weekend. We had friends over Saturday night to spend time with the Bouldins, who had come to town for Inman's installation service on Sunday night. Jacob and Benjamin (Russ & Helen's little boy) got to spend time together. We hope they will grow up being friends, their parents sure do love hanging out!
Sunday was a wonderful day too. Sunday night we had an installation service which was a great time of affirmation and looking forward to what the Lord has for our church. We had lots of friends and family come to support us and a great turn out from our new church family. Afterwards was a very nice reception and we got to spend time with friends, old & new.
That night the church "pounded" us! This tradition was started when early settlers would bring a "pound of this and that" to welcome their neighbors and help them set up their home. You can see below that the tradition has evolved. From pantry items, to laundry essentials, even some spider man toothpaste for Jacob, we were spoiled by our church family. Thanks for the warm welcome!

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

The Biggest Loser (in our book)

A treat while we were at the beach was that we spent a little time with Roger from the Biggest Loser. He went to high school with my sister and brother in law and played football back in the day with my brother in law.
Jacob was excited that he got to race Roger on the beach.

Roger got a ton of online votes from our family last week. Jacob enjoyed hanging out with Ivan, Roger's son. Last night we cheered and cheered. No matter what the real outcome was, Roger is our biggest loser!

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Back to real life.........

We are back from the beach and even after a couple of days we have not adjusted to "real life." We have all been tired and of course, wish we were still beach bumming!

We celebrated Momma's b-day while we were there. Birthday on the beach? Sounds good to me!
Jacob learned a lot from his cousins. He thinks he is somewhere between 8 and 10 years old.

He tried a little tree climbing and loved it!

Once again, Jacob loved his cousin time. Even though they are older, they do such a good job including him, playing with him & loving on him!

Friday, April 11, 2008

Spring Break

We are having a great time this week at the beach!

I will post more pictures when we get back (I always take plenty:) Jacob has had a great time with his cousins. It has turned out to be a beautiful week and we are about to go out and enjoy our last day here!

Thursday, April 3, 2008


No pictures today but just some funny Jacob quotes from the last few days. I am behind in Jacob's journal I keep for him. I am still writing about last fall so I will jot these down and come back to them later. Maybe you will chuckle like I did:)

We were about to read books, Jacob was already on the sofa. "Momma, I moved over this stuff because you have a really big bottom."

Yesterday morning I was startled by Jacob screaming at the top of the stairs, "Momma there is a big red chicken up here." Of course, I am thinking, "what in the world is in the house?" Only to round the corner and see Jacob pointing to a red cardinal on the FRONT PORCH.

Last night at Wed night supper at church, we are seating with some elder members of our church and Jacob says, (and points) "Why has all of that daddy's hair fallen out?" Luckily because of the company we were with, the comment was not heard!

Of course, there are so many that I can't even keep up. I just get a kick out of this little guy!

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Big Boy Bed

When we moved we figured we needed to give Jacob a couple of weeks to adjust to everything else in his life. We left him in his "toddler bed" which was his crib minus one rail. The last week or so I have been a little panicked about how we needed to get the nursery ready and finish Jacob's room and get the nursery ready. Inman has been really busy with everything so there was only so much I could do without his help. This weekend we went and bought the twin bed and I somehow got the nice men at the furniture store to fit it in our minivan yesterday. When Inman got home, I expected since it was a little late for it to be brought in the house and we would set it up later. Next thing I knew, the twin bed was set up. Yes, I had wanted this done but yesterday when I got Jacob out of his bed after his nap I didn't realize that was his last time in his crib! Probably a good thing:) He loved it and even waited for me to come and get him this morning! We were worried about that next phase where they can get up anytime they want! Hopefully him waiting on me will last a little longer!