Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Lots of handwashing!

Why did I think painting and having a house on the market was a good decision?

Because he had so much fun doing it!

He told me right before this picture, "Mom I can't say cheese anymore. I am painting."

Between painting, & stuffy noses we were using a lot at the end of last week.

Little did we know we would be using a lot more! Jacob has been sick all weekend. We cancelled our super bowl party and missed our last mardi gras parades. We were bummed but are glad he is feeling better today!

And I had said I was going to do such a good job updating these last couple of weeks in N.O. We are thankful that we have found somewhere to live! A family from FBCL is allowing us to rent a house until we sell ours. What a relief, we have somewhere to tell the moving truck to go!

1 comment:

Joy said...

We are very excited about you moving back to Atlanta! Look forward to seeing you soon.