Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Houston we have landed
Everything went great on Monday. The truck arrived on schedule despite the fact that the company warned us it may be Tuesday. Monday was a beautiful day and Tuesday was going to be a wash out so we were so glad to move on this end in DRY weather.
Everyone has been great. The members of FBCL brought goodies, even cars for Jacob, our families have really helped with unpacking and keeping Jacob occupied. We could not have done it without everyone pitching in!
We are excited about what lies ahead. Next time I will post pics of Jacob checking out his new digs!
Friday, February 22, 2008
Moving day
What little boy would not love the truck? We showed Jacob how all of his things were going on the big truck to our new house.
We are in Mobile. We wanted to get a little time under our belt. The rain delayed our progress just a bit and the movers will pick up Inman's office today. More later......just wanted to try and stay on top of my updating!
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Moving right along
Saturday, February 16, 2008
Soaking in a few more days.......
10 kids, happy meals, a playground, cake, presents & games....not as chaotic as I thought it would be!
The staff gave us a farewell party last night, notice tear-stained faces! This is Diane, Inman's assistant and a huge Jacob fan
We had a fun night even with the tears. We have served on a great staff, a true team. We are so thankful for the relationships that God has blessed us with!
We definitely have had a few tears as we say more and more goodbyes but we have both agreed God has protected us too. We are excited about what is ahead and are so thankful for the wonderful friends we have made in New Orleans.
We are grateful for where we are. This time last year we had just lost a baby and spent Valentine's day having a D&C. To have such an adventure ahead of us, a healthy growing baby on the way and spent this Valentine's day enjoying our last few days here and planning a belated Valentine's date scheduled for Monday night at one of our New Orleans favorite spots........a lot to be thankful for!
Tomorrow is our last Sunday at FBNO. I know personally this will be one of the hardest parts. Our church family has become just that, a special family. We have had some of the highest of highs and lowest of lows as a church body over the last couple of years following the storm. That kind of roller coaster draws you very close. Pray with us as we say "see you later" to our great friends!
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
More goodbyes
My great friend, Jeanine hosted the get together on Sunday. She is otherwise known as "Luke's mom."
My last MOPS meeting was on Monday. Ironically, I was on the steering team that started working last fall to start a Mothers of Preschoolers group at our church. We have actually only had a few meetings. I sure will miss these ladies on the steering team and new friends I made over the last few months!
So Jacob's funny quotes for the last few days involve asking how that baby will get out of my tummy. I danced around for a couple of minutes, offered that the baby would grow and grow and then we would go to the doctor and get the baby out. He said (as if I did not hear him and very slowly and well pronounced), "I said, HOW WILL THAT BABY GET OUT OF YOUR TUMMY?"
I said, "Well when he grows more and more very day, we will go to the doctor...." starting again to make it simple but fearful of what he would repeat. He then said, "He will just grow and grow and then SWISH out."
Yeah, that is how I remember Jacob entering the world, 36 hours and then SWISH there he was:)
More of his funny quotes later, once again the evening got away from me!
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Taking it all in
We went to feed "our ducks" and found a family of ducklings.
We are enjoying our last days in New Orleans. We were thankful to all be well this past weekend! We took advantage of that and the great weather and went to the Audubon Zoo and to play outside. We pass this business park with ducks almost every time we come home and Jacob comments on if they are sleeping, swimming, eating etc.
We have fun plans with friends over the next week and are taking it all in! The packers come next Wednesday. It is all starting to seem very real!
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Lots of handwashing!
Because he had so much fun doing it!
He told me right before this picture, "Mom I can't say cheese anymore. I am painting."
Between painting, & stuffy noses we were using a lot at the end of last week.
Little did we know we would be using a lot more! Jacob has been sick all weekend. We cancelled our super bowl party and missed our last mardi gras parades. We were bummed but are glad he is feeling better today!
And I had said I was going to do such a good job updating these last couple of weeks in N.O. We are thankful that we have found somewhere to live! A family from FBCL is allowing us to rent a house until we sell ours. What a relief, we have somewhere to tell the moving truck to go!