Tuesday, April 21, 2009

For AuNt StEpH

Aunt Steph told me today that she needed a quick fix when she had a study break, her precious nephews that is.....

Aunt Steph, this pic is actually a couple of weeks old but when Inman saw the pics from that day he said, "hello Aunt Steph." He still says he thinks Logan looks a lot like your baby pictures minus the eye color, of course.

This is Jacob (chair to the left of the track) playing it cool as his car races in his first derby on Sunday even though he was about to wet his pants because he was SO excited!

Look @ Logan as he eats his first biter biscuit. He thought he was really getting away with something!

Logan caught red handed eating his first cheerios (off the floor!)

Was that a good break Aunt Steph? We are proud of you & all of your hard work especially these last couple of weeks! There is a light at the end of the tunnel, one more month of grad school!
These boys love you A LOT! (& I do too!)

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